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🐩 Poodle Emoji

Noun Poodle Dog Poo Doll FASHION DOG
Verb living bark To bite to bark Licking To have fun and play PRANCING
Adjective small white gray Barking fluffy POODLE-TASTIC
Definition a small type of dog known for its puffy hair and lavish lifestyle The poodle is white This is a Dog This is a poodle. Why we use it This poodle Cute and kind Dog IT IS LOVLY
Example of Use Mary got a new poodle for Christmas.. Little dogs like poodles can bark quite loudly. The poodle is perfectly groomed.. Dog is the best friend of human.. The poodle was cute.. Wht for use it in conversation on wattapps I saw a fluffy poodle Dogs are cute,fluffy,and playful Abbey+Flic MY POODLE IS CALLED MELLISSA
