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🚨 Police Car Light Emoji

Noun siren Light alarm BEEDO ok Scott Steiner 😂⛹️⛹️🚨😭
Verb ring Flashing flashing light to alarm to sound Bright Blinking Annoying you 😂
Adjective loud To flash alarming red alarmed
Definition A siren is something that rings a loud sound. Police lights flash This is a siren. this is a siren This is an alarm. BE DO BE DO Alarming 😂😂😂
Example of Use Sirens can be found on police cars.. I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror. There are firetrucks and sirens down the street.. I think there is something going on. The alarm sounded loudly.. You have 12 viruses please call Telstra within 24 hours 9.00am-9.00pm
