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🏩 Love Hotel Emoji

Noun building Hospital Honeymoon Dog caring place The love doctor The Hoe-Tel Love Hotel motel Dampflock 🏩
Verb loving Going to the hospital to vacation love loves To run help
Adjective tall Caring loving large pink Fluffy help corny, cheap, full of STDs
Definition This is a tall building. A hospital is where people go to feel better a vacation spent together by a newly married couple. This is a large building with an H on it and a heart over it. The pink hospital is surrounded with love. The fluffy dog ran far This is a place people go to get Care on there Injuries and Sickness. A Tokyo love hotel its where pregant women go a motel
Example of Use The tall building has a heart near it.. I went to the hospital, now I feel great. We are leaving for our honeymoon after the wedding.. The large building is a hospital.. I went to visit my friend in the hospital to show her how much I loved her.. The fluffy dog ran far My leg hurt, so I went to the Hospital and got Help and Care. I went to the love doctor so that my crush will like me
