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😥 Disappointed But Relieved Face Emoji

Noun face tear Tears me Sad Person crying Sad 😩 uriel Disappointied and sad x Dog Fdxcv. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 sweat Very c . B z c. Cc c c. Person Emoji
Verb crying to cry Cry To be nervous Bored Y. Y. Yyy. Go. Hop Over thinking sweating Similar to blushing
Adjective sad sadness a lot Nervous water 🛬🚤🚤🗒💶💶🚤🛸🚉🗒🗒🚤🚤🚤🚤 Brown วค . Mm.o worried/relieved worried Used in Animes
Definition sad face A face representing sadness by showing crying Liquid produced by eyes when sad This is a sad tear. This is a sad face. a sad emoji crying about something Nervous or anxious about something ( notice the sweat not tear) The emoji means that u r UPSET AND SAD AND DISAPPOINTED. cry sad hurt depressed Sad F. N. N. V. V. V. Very. N. N Y. F. G. No. . N. N g. N u. No y. Y. N. N. G. V. F. V. B. Non nnn n. Disipointed Ummm my boyfriend sent me this on our first day of dating. What does it mean
Example of Use The sad face cries.. I just want to cry.. The tears rolled down his face as she cried. I am so sad I am crying.. I felt sad over something bad happening. I am very sad because daddy isn't home I'm anxious about my presentation today. I was sad he cryed home I feel so sad and hurt, I know i am depressed, what should I do ? 😥 ะ You are so hot . 😻 I am worried about the exam tomorrow. 😭😰😥😓😮😧😦😔😟😣😕🙁☹️😞😫😮 🧖😲🧘😞🍌😳🤱😧😮😍😂
