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Noun | X sign cross Contrôle Japanese dolls a Kiss Γ°ΕΈβΖ n Γ°ΕΈΛΛΓ’ΛΒΊΓ―ΒΈΒ tgrfg mal Yeo Zhi Jin |
Verb | CROSSED To Know to stop to cross stop Play High speed train gfvgrv mal wrong |
Adjective | RED Knowing stopping square Japanese flag fregvvg mal |
Definition | SOMETING IS NOT ALLOW This is alphabet x This is a cross telling to stop. This is a cross, or an "X." Universal symbol for a kiss X z mal |
Example of Use | The red x crossed off all my options. X is also known as cross. The sign said to stop and not go any further.. Put a cross over the box.. The teacher drew a giant red X on the incorrect statement.. With Love & Kisses xx X X gzfgdz mal |