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🌸 Cherry Blossom Emoji

Noun Flower Cherry Blossom Beautiful bob is a thing ok Emoji thing Cherry Blossom/桜
Verb Purity to pick To show Sympathy to smell living FLOWERY Bloom 🌸 i rlly dunno sorreh dudz 🌸 nature Blooming/咲く The person
Adjective Lovely pretty pink beautiful Grown Big its pink, pink pink pnik pnik? pig :D Beautiful/綺麗な who did
Definition Flowers are beautiful This is a flower. This is a Flower A plant that grows colorful leaves filled with pollen FLOWERS kind of Hawaiian hippie feels If yr ROADMAN Steal virginity 🌸 Its a floweerrrrrrrrrrrr and it smells niceeeeeeeeeeeee Of DGS its my favorite flower To me this emoji means that you are beautiful and even if your a boy you can wear pink. You can bloom like a flower, growing, learning new things, and adding more personality to yourself./私にとって、この絵文字はあなたが美しいことを意味し、あなたの男の子でもピンクを着ることができます。花のよ
Example of Use Flowers are used to Express Love. She picked a pretty purple flower from the garden.. I love Flowers. let's go to the garden store. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom in Washington, DC.. FLOWERS THAT ARE PINK ROADMAN RO 🌸 Da gurl picked up a flower ok :D the Cherry Blossom is a thing in nature its pink and its my favorite flower ' Cherry blossoms are beautiful./桜が綺麗です。
