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🧠 Brain Emoji

Noun brain Brains, mind, smarts :) smove Happy s Peanut brain MOHAMED Boy Sleep maham
Verb thinking :) small d Peanut Brain Γ™Ε Γ˜Β§Γ˜ΒΊΓ˜Β¨Γ™Ε  Frog Sleep love
Adjective pink, gooey :) pink Smart a Peanut brain Γ™Ε Γ™β€žΓ™β€žΓ˜ΒͺØΒͺنم and a Apple countries in a world. Sleep loving
Definition it means smartness :) a pink brain Either thinking, smart, or just plain brain. w Peanut brain منم 🧅 Sleeper this emoji is my love
Example of Use I have no 🧠 :) I am tring to think I am smart because i think with my brain. a "Congratulations! Your IQ are -9000000!" نمنممنم Ddddss Sleep loving someone
