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🗽 Statue Of Liberty Emoji

Noun Statue statue of liberty Person Fll That woman is stoned The face you make when good weed รฐลธหœโ€š
Verb to See represent to freedom To be free to free Free
Adjective Seeing majestic green free freedom Rofl
Definition This is liberty statues A large carved object this is the statue of liberty This is the Statue of Liberty. New York City Someone to be free Freedom รฐลธโ€˜ยป
Example of Use Liberty Statue is a nice monument to see. The majestic Statue of Liberty represents freedom to many.. The statue of liberty represents freedom. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom.. To be free NEW YORK CONCRETE JUNGLE WHERE DREAMS ARE OF Welcome to America immigrants they all get shot รฐลธยฦ’รฐลธโ€ยซรฐลธโ€˜ยฎ
