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🆖 NG Button Emoji

Noun action letters Acronym No Good surname ⛽️ Gas pump 🍁 Maple leaf 🍁🍓 Ⓜ Petrol station man dog 💦 no gender Necromaniac Germans ♨️⛽️ Appollo
Verb bluing to letter Shortening informing name 🍁🍓 Staburry Car M carv Ⓜ🚗 Red with a G 🌚🚬🍉🍗😂 Rire
Adjective blue spelled out last 🍁🍓🍬Ⓜ🚗⛽♨ Fire ⛽♨ ♨ ♨m Red Ri
Definition suffix indicating doing something These are the letters "N" and "G." No go warning that one should not go there or not do it NG is a chinese last name. 🍁🍓🍬Ⓜ🚗⛽♨ 🍁🍓🍬Ⓜ🚗⛽♨ 🍁🍓🍬Ⓜ🚗⛽♨ Chiclet M ⛽ gas pump mean Petrol station
Example of Use Select the letters N and G.. NG on the plans tonight.. Kim's friend warned her that the gas station sushi was no good.. NG is a common chinese surname.. 🍁🍓🍬Ⓜ🚗⛽♨ M car fire Maple leaf strawberry Choclet m car gas fire ⛽♨ ♨ I went to the petrol station R
